
Mission Statement: To encourage and support the study and promotion of the botanical sciences within Bermuda.

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Volunteer schedule:

At the Bermuda Botanical Gardens

Join the small (but dedicated and growing!) group who look after the BBG Endemic/Native site and surrounding area for a morning of gardening with friends.

Open to all – including students who need community service hours.

Where: Meet at the Margaret Duperrault Memorial (John Lennon Sculpture), which is in front of Masterworks

When: Every second Saturday (dates below), weather permitting

2025 Schedule (Feb-Apr proposed dates):
February 15th
March 1st, 15th, 29th
April 4th, 26th

Time: 9 to 11 am (for any amount of time during those hours)

What to bring: If possible, please bring your own gardening gloves and handheld spade/trowel/fork. Please also bring your own water and sunscreen.

Contact details: If you need further details, or want to get in touch to sign up (this is helpful but not necessary to do so), please reach out to us at [email protected]

Ficus benghalensis
The magnificent Ficus benghalensis, Ban Yan tree, at Southlands

and a tree

by Kate Wakeling

and a tree is a promise
safe-kept by a seed,
and a tree is a dance
that is swung by the breeze,

and a tree is an engine
spinning only on air
and water and light;
nothing lost, nothing spare,

and a tree is a king
who is topped with a crown,
(and a tree never once
loses touch with the ground)

and a tree is a home
with numberless doors,
and a tree is a world
for an ant to explore,

and a tree is a gift
(for a tree is a lung)
and a tree is a song
that is whispered and sung
by the bees and the birds,
and in rustles and creaks,
yes, a tree is a song
that is sung without words,

and a tree is a lesson
in the meaning of roots,
and how out of the mud
swell the sweetest of fruits,

and a tree is a story
of hope and repair,
or perhaps more a question;
a wish or a prayer,
for a tree (plus a tree)
shows us how we might share,

and when we should grow
and when we should sleep
and what we could lose

and what we must keep.


Please note, Bermuda Botanical Garden Tours are cancelled until further notice.

In accordance with PIPA requirements, we can confirm that the only information retained in our records are names and email addresses. We ill not release, sell or distribute any of that information, unless we have your permission. You are also at liberty to require that your information is updated or deleted, should you wish to.

If you wish to have your information updated or deleted or have other questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Flood by email: [email protected]